Interview of Sampriti Agarwal about her new book Poems By Sampriti

Congratulations on the release of ‘Poems by Sampriti’. Tell us something about your book. Some highlights or the subject.
How is it different from other, earlier books of this genre that were released recently?
My book contains some of my poems and are based on the day to day occasions in the year. It is different because I as a child have written the content unlike people like adults or authors.
What kind of books inspire you as a writer? Who are your favorite authors?
The books which inspire me are poems of Ruskin Bond and authors like Roald Dahl
Tell me something about yourself and your background. We understand that you are a student and very busy with your studies, but then how do you manage time to write?
Even if I am busy with my studies as a class 6 student, wherever I am, like in my class or outside somewhere if I want, I can frame a poem in my mind at any point of time. Whenever I get time, I note it down in my diary.

What inspires you to write? Who inspired you to become a writer?
I was inspired when I was 9 years old and read the poem called the snail by Ruskin Bond. I thought why can’t a child write and from that day my journey began.
What is the response from your readers so far about this book?
My friends are very exited.
What are your future goals? Do you want to see yourself as an established author in the future?
No, I don’t want to be famous. I just write for fun and want my poems to reach maximum people.
Any words of advice from your experience for fellow children authors to encourage them?
I would suggest you should read more and more books. It can be poems or stories. Not only my book but any book as it will improve your vocabulary, thank you and I would love for you read my book.