Power Publishers New Release: An Old Monk

old-monk_front_cover_v1PRAB KEERAT MAHENDRU

Price: 255.00, Genre: Fiction, Pages: 135, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-85892-02-8

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The story revolves around my grandfather and his inspiration word which I carry forward in my life here me being a normal middle class teenager who wants to do many things in life but is really confused what to do, and losses hope on himself. Then he puts some goals and dreams in his life which he wants to fulfil, yet doesn’t know the way to. The old monk; an Indian rum played an important and decisive role in the life of
a 10 year old child, people say true drinking brings out all the truth inside you which you try to hide I myself was mesmerised and got into emotion with the words of my grandfather after he drank old monk. So I always say it, it all started with a bottle of old monk and two glasses, one was filled with rum and other with water.