Have a blessed day by Suma Narayan

Price : Rs 250, Pages : 134, Genre: fiction, Binding : Paperback, Language: English,ISBN: 978-93-86526-44-1

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This book is designed to be a source of comfort while travelling over the rough, pot-holed, bumpy road of life. Love and hate, the essence of self-respect and harmony in relationships, the importance of staying in touch with each other, in the current climate of hate, violence and suspicion are dealt with, in bite-sized pieces, sprinkled with humour and common sense. Interspersed with these nuggets of eternal wisdom are small cautionary tales about protecting the environment. The everyday blessings of morning breeze and bird song, the mystic wonder of watching a seed grow and create growing life, the joy of feeling life throb beneath the bark of a tree, and all the metaphors in this natural regeneration is what this small book is all about. It teaches you to value yourself a little more and helps you build a bridge to connect with your inner source of joy and peace and love. Above all, it speaks about gratitude and acknowledgement of the small joys in life.