Author interview: Jayesh Sinha talks about his book ‘Greatest Sports Rivalries’-News in notintown
Author interview: Jayesh Sinha talks about his book ‘Greatest Sports Rivalries’
NITN | @notintownlive | 16 Apr 2018

Sports rivalries may not always be confined to playing fields finds out Jayesh Sinha while researching for his book on the subject
First of all, Congratulations on the release of ‘Greatest Sports Rivalries’? How does it feel to be an author?
It feels good. Never thought I would write a book and having written one and gotten it published does feel good.
Your book deals with the stories of legendary rivalries of the greatest sports legends that ever were. What made you come up with the subject?
I have always been interested in sports and I have followed a lot of sports, not just one or two. Sports was something right up my alley. I was watching the Australian Open Final in 2017 between Federer and Nadal when I thought what are the other great rivalries in sports. For instance what is the greatest rivalry in Basketball or Chess or Rugby? How did those rivalries come to be. I started reading up on it and felt the story of these rivalries needs to be told.
How much research went into making this book?
A lot. I had to read up extensively on rivalries from each global sport, their history the great games that they played, etc. However as a sports fans reading those stories and learning new things was an absolute pleasure. I got to learn a lot of new things. For instance Cricket is a sport I think I know as well anyone, but I was shocked to learn that the Ashes is not the oldest running Cricket series in the World. That honor belongs to the Auty Cup, which is a series played between the USA and Canada!! It was first held in 1844, nearly four decades before the Ashes and is still held to this date. The previous edition which was held in Toronto in 2017 was won by the USA.
This was astonishing to learn and I got to learn plenty of new things about other sports as well.
Which are the rivalries that have most intrigued you?
I think each of the rivalries covered in the book are very intriguing, but personally I would say the el Classico is a story of two great football teams and the origins of that rivalry is just so deeply tied in with the story of Spain, the regional differences, the politics, really stands out.
Are you writing anything next?
Not yet. I have been thinking about a few topics, wll try and get down to writing something soon hopefully.