Tiger’s Footprints

Tiger’s Footprints

In the wind near the cave, nobody did explain why they were frightened of
that weather, but only hushed voices were used to explain the matter.
Moonlight spilled the corridor once allowing the chief of the cave to
spread its foot and trudge across the silent valley.
Yet no growl could be heard when the tiger returned to the cave, as it
used to growl to show it’s identity around that village.
They say it was a ghost that used to prowl once, now it’s footprints
remain only to rectify what it all meant for the people around.
Fierceness of that tiger caught the wind once, proving it all wrong in
it’s slow descent to the place which once used to be it’s cave but
now seems to be someone’s house, that has not got hurt or dumbstruck
by it’s growl.
It had a thought to realize the identity for all. Nobody may realize
that it exists, so no matter whether dead or alive it has to go and
search for a new place which shall suit the tiger with bossing growls at

by Saurabh Pant