Power Publishers New Release: Living Life More Than Just A Default Life

living-more-thanLiving Life More Than Just A Default Life by Tamal Bhattacharjee

Price: 100.00, Genre: Non-fiction, Pages: 65, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-84334-40-6

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Tamal Bhattacharjee is professionally a software engineer presently working in IBM. In addition to being an IT professional, he is also a musician and now an author. He has released music albums and also performs in different music shows with his band. He plays bass guitars for a folk, blues and a rock band based in Kolkata. He is also a songwriter and actively writes songs for his band as well. Besides leading the life of an IT professional and that of a musician, one of the things he also loves doing is writing down different experiences that he gathers in life from people and situations. If there are some meaningful insights from them he loves sharing with everyone. In his first book titled “Living More Than Just A Default Life” he goes on a self adventure seeking answers to certain questions from people working in different industries including IT, music, teaching, fashion, dance etc and shares his perceptions and insights about the importance of living a more fulfilled life according to what resonates with a particular individual .