Thou Shall Not Get Married | By Captain Schubert Jacinto
Thou Shall Not Get Married | By Captain Schubert Jacinto

Price : Rs. 650, Pages: 534, Genre : Non-Fiction, Language : English, Binding : Paperback, ISBN No. : 9789384336851
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The single worst concept ever to be designed by the human race: ‘Marriage’
And it’s surprising that till today, nobody has come out with a book like this to warn the next generation of the pointless concept of marriage. Conceptualized ages ago by some insecure man who wanted to get laid, and the childhood dream of many girls, here’s a humorous look at this stupid tradition, that has been cause to most of the individual problems that people have been facing for centuries worldwide!!!… and how not to fall into this trap!!!
In today’s day and age of smart phones, smart TV’s, technology, worldwide connectivity, and smart people, there are still, somehow, millions of dumb people out there making this mistake called: MARRIAGE!
This book attempts to save millions of innocent youngsters from making the biggest mistake of their lives!!!