Uncage the mysterious soul by Najam Us Saher
Uncage the mysterious soul by Najam Us Saher

Price : Rs. 250, Pages: 138, Genre : Poetry, Language : English, Binding : Paperback, ISBN No. : 9789384336714
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“UNCAGE THE MYSTERIOUS SOUL” is a collection of poems written by Najam Us Saher, containing poems related to loneliness, sadness, loving and losing someone, nature, time and death, arranged in such a way that it narrates a story of a lonely girl. Her poetry is a blend of expressions of hopelessness and yet being hopeful about the future. Her grief revolves around losing the most important person in one’s life- her mother who left her at a very young age. Her words are a true reflection of the way she lives her life and her transformation on emerging as a stronger girl than before.