Author interview: In conversation with H.P. Roychoudhury, author of Hideous Barack-News in twfindia
Author interview: In conversation with H.P. Roychoudhury, author of Hideous Barack

Her book ‘Through a Prism; is a reflection of her fondness for reading different genres
Congratulations on the release of ‘Through a Prism’. How would you like to describe your process of completing the book and finally having it published?
Thank you. The excitement and the anticipation I felt from the beginning till the publishing of the book is unfathomable. This book is my dream come true. When I look back, I realise I never thought I could be an author. Yet, I chased my dreams and this is how the book came into existence. This proves again that if you wish for something wholeheartedly and work towards it, you’ll achieve success.
We heard there is a lot of excitement about your book after its release. What kind of promotion are you doing to reach out to more of your readers?
I believe my collection of short stories is based on a unique concept and that should draw the attention of readers. I’m hoping the word of mouth would do a great job. However, I also have a Facebook page and an Instagram profile for promoting my book.
What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
I love reading a variety of books, both in English and in my mother tongue Bengali. My interests range from murder mysteries, historical fictions and fantasy to romance and teen fiction. My varied interests have been reflected in my book as each story belongs to a different genre.
Do you aspire to take writing as a career?
Writing has always been my passion. It is a way of expressing my feelings and reaching across to people. However, I wouldn’t like to make my passion my profession. So, for now, I’d like to take up medicine as a career option and write as much as possible during my leisure time.
Are you writing anything next?
I have my personal blog on Tumblr where I write regularly. Apart from that I have no such plans which could feature in form of a book. But once something fascinating strikes my mind, I’ll be quick in writing another book.
For someone who could not even attempt essay writing during examinations, becoming a published writer, is definitely a quirk of destiny says Mayur Agrawal.
I had never thought of writing a book or becoming a writer. But as the title of my book says, ‘The Equations of Destiny’, I think my destiny has pushed me to become one.
In school, I always feared writing an essay of even 200 words; during exams,I was used to leave it unattended.
And, then writing a book of thousands words is hard to believe.
In my life, I have missed many opportunities as it was not destined for me and also I got some opportunities where I thought I’m not suitable for it.
So, I have experienced various shades of destiny in my life and I firmly believe in it.
The book, ‘The Equations of Destiny’, began to take shape after a random thought came to my mind. I preserved that thought and continuously worked on it over the years.
When I started writing this book, I had a plot for only first two to three chapters and I too didn’t know how the story will follow and what will be it’s end. I trusted my inner instinct and kept writing it and successfully completed it.
Fortunately, ‘The Equations of Destiny’ is getting published now.
What kind of support did you receive during the process of writing the book?
While writing this book, it was difficult to convince myself that I can write a book.
Whenever I was in dilemma during the process of writing the book, my family has always motivated me to complete the book. My elder brother was a great support and helped me with editing the book and giving honest feedback, though he was too busy with his duties. Also, whenever I spoke about it with my friends and colleagues, they motivated me to publish the book and said they would definitely like reading it.
What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
My reading choice is never restricted to any particular genre. I like variety. I like mystery, suspense, simple romance story, motivational books etc. When I was in college, I had read a book “If you think you can” and it greatly affect my life. It inspired me to think on whatever I wish from my life.
What kind of readers are you trying to reach out to through the book?
The book, ‘The Equations of Destiny’, is a story of college students and it tells how destiny unfold its secrets and surprises over the period of their life. It also teaches about reality of life. So, teenagers, students, youngsters, in fact people of all age groups will enjoy reading it. As this book gives a tour of realities of life, it is also a motivational one.
Are you writing anything next?
Yes. I’m working on my next book. Apart from this, my film story has qualified for the “India’s Storytellers Contest 2017-2018 – CINESTAAN” and I’m working on writing it’s script/screenplay submission due on June 30, 2018. Expecting to win the contest.
Books have a healing effect on society and hence authors, in their own way, are social workers too, says Dilip Dash.
Being a doctor in Apollo Hospital and having a few books published – Five – feels great. An author is a better social worker as books can heal society. The publishing agencies are also doing great social work.
How would you compare the two books? How are they different?
“Parikshya ke Tanav Ebam Iska Samadhan” is a technical book – Medical. ‘Love’ the Awakened soul is a philosophical literary book. These two books are unique in their own respect.
How has the response been?
Till now 20 books have been sold and 20 books gifted within 15 days of publication of “Parikshya ke Tanav Ebam Iska Samadhan”. The second book has not come up yet.
In ‘Pariksha k Tanav..’ what kind of examinees are you targeting?
This book “Pariksha Ke Tanav Ebam Iska Samadhan” usually targets Higher secondary examinees to higher education examinees. Also this book gives a general idea about stress management. So it is helpful for general population.
Is ‘Love – the awakened soul’ a love story?
“Love” the Awakened “Soul” is not a love story. This is a highly philosophical literary book — where it says that love can awaken every soul. This also means the true love for the almighty itself is an awakened soul.
What are you writing next?
My next publication will be a book which is again a technical book — on sleep management and general information regarding scientific aspects of sleep. The manuscript is in the final stage
@indiablooms | 06 Jun 2018
|Born in a remote Indian village, the author overcame odds to study at a leading Canadian university. His debut book ‘Why I Do Not Need to Travel to a Developing Country’ charts his journey among other things.
Congratulations on the release of your book! Is this your debut as an author?
Yes, it is my debut book which I had been writing over the past one year. However I will be looking forward to write many more, focussing on inspirational, fiction and nonfiction themes.
The book appears to be a research work. What gave you the inspiration?
It was the story which always kept me pushing to continue writing and finish the book. I believe that my story will be a source of inspiration to millions of people in India and across the world. This was the one thought which helped me to write the book and bring the story live in front of people that how a village boy who failed twice in grade 2 can make it to Canada’s most innovative university.
What does India really stand for, for you?
India matters to me and I would like to matter to India. It is my motherland where I grew up and have many unforgettable memories. It is the place where I learnt some of the harsh realities of life and witnessed those people who did not had access to basic amenities. It also symbolizes hope for me where the change is inevitable with the collective effort of everyone.
What kind of readership are you expecting with this book?
I am mostly expecting people from India to read this story. However, I also believe that it will be a good read for those in the Western world who haven’t travelled to a developing country and wanted to understand the problems of people living in rural areas.
What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
I like reading inspirational/motivational books (Ashlee Vance, Tony Robbins). However, I do read some story/non fiction books, especially by Chetan Bhagat.
My Guru Girls’ is a completely different genre. What made you write this erotic novel?
Creativity is probably the only protocol that cannot be automated. The story flashed in my mind during a dream. The next morning I started writing the novel on my cellular phone. I finished writing the entire manuscript within 30 days. So, coming back to your question, I really did not intend to write an erotica. It is, as if, that the main protagonist of the story, Nandu Joseph, wanted me to remove the curtains from his personal life and tell it to the world. Almost all brilliant young guys suffer from a mild form of restlessness. That restlessness, I think, is the key to overcome all obstacles coming their way. That restlessness has both positive and negative sides to it. I have touched upon those aspects as honestly as possible. A few funny incidents in the story are inspired from my college days.
I wanted to write something without inhibitions, without hypocrisy. I hate to hide the truth from anyone. Perhaps that rebellious nature inside me found a vent through this writing process. What came out as a product might be called an erotica, but my intention was to give a realistic picture of a passionate young man. Nandu Joseph, is a complex character. He loves his best friends Ana, Ramona and Dew but at the same time he wishes to achieve dizzying heights of success. Then, his raging hormones have an enslaving effect on him. All this needed a realistic description. I believe that the readers will appreciate my honesty.
Your previous book ‘Transfer Protocol’ was very popular among the audience. So, what do you think about the popularity of your newly launched book, which is completely different from your previous book?
Yes, ‘The Transfer Protocol: A scientist’s search for truth’ is a science fiction thriller. I wanted to tell the whole world that science and religion are just two sides of the same coin. Human brain is an enigma even to the best researchers. I based my plot around that theme, the powers and possibilities of the human mind. There is action, thrills, chases and deep philosophy described in the novel. What makes me happy is that I have got good reviews for the novel from everywhere around the globe. The novel is doing well in the US and Europe.
‘My Guru Girls’ is a different story. It is all about passion, desire and dreams. As I explained earlier, my inner self compelled me to write this story. I had to write it! If you read, even the first chapter of this novel, you will realize the intensity of Nandu Joseph’s emotions. The story is now a part of me. Whenever someone reads it, subconsciously, I will be with them for that short time period. Isn’t that a great feeling? This book should entertain the readers and inspire them to achieve more in their lives. The book is getting good reviews on various social networking sites.
Who is your inspiration as an author?
That’s a tough one! It might sound strange but my likes keep changing according to the weather conditions. During summers I like books written by Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking and Neil Degrasse Tyson. Winters are reserved for books by Michael Crichton, Paulo Coelho, George Orwell, Ursula K. Le Guin. I like the unpublished poems written by my father as well.
Now that your book is available on all websites, what do you think? Will it acquire the bestseller title?
It is a special feeling! Words cannot explain it. Your question made me recall a saying, which goes something like this, ‘Never talk about the labor pains, just show the world your beautiful baby’. So my publishers and I have done our best to bring to the readers a complete entertainment package. Yes, I want the book to become a bestseller. I have put my sweat, tears and some amount of blood to finish this novel. The blood was involuntarily donated to the mischievous mosquitoes as I finished writing the novel. This book is straight from my heart and it should touch all those who love and care for their friends.
What is your favorite genre?
Any novel that is written straight from heart without censorship. Such books have a magnetic pull. That is the only way truth can propagate. Human race cannot survive another 1000 years without developing the good habit of speaking the truth. I like novels that inspire and force the readers to think. Is that a new genre!
If you get a chance, will you try your hand in writing a Bengali novel?
Yes! I can read and write in Bengali at a professional level. I attended a school in Delhi where Bengali was a compulsory subject. I love the writings of Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay. May be I will write a Bengali crime thriller in the coming months!